Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Left Turn, Jim

I found an alternate route. A few weeks ago I applied for a security job in Baghdad with a company that a friend turned me on to. It's not what I do. By that I mean it's not what I want to do. It's a static security job on the BIAP, which means I'll be manning an armed post somewhere at one of the hundreds of checkpoints or guard shacks, etc. It pays less...is in Iraq...is a job a monkey could do...and I have no interest in it other than to get a ball rolling. A more stupid plan than this couldn't possibly be hatched!

Afghanistan has stalled yet again. The endless red tape and disorganized way that company operates has me at my wits end. I'm beginning to believe the negative comments I left as "feedback" for the training staff when I was in Virginia are coming back to bite me. I want to have faith in the process and people running it to be professional and apt, but here I sit 8 months into the process and am not any closer than I was 4 months ago.

So I decided to act. Waiting for someone else to decide where my life goes next has become something I am no longer willing to do. I need to believe that I am in control of what happens to me, and the appearance that I am doing something about it is just as important to my mental health as anything else I do now. No, I'm not going loony. But I believe now that feeling powerless is just as bad.

So I'm taking now what I hope will be the first step in a series of alternate routes. That's all life is, after all...just a series of left turns.


Monday, January 24, 2011

I Have A Secret

If a woman wrote a best selling novel about the secret to life's success and marketed it for all the worlds dummies to read...would I buy it? No. I have my own secrets, some of which would fetch 19.99 from Barnes and Noble too. I could put my secrets on a DVD and sell them to people looking for the DVD titled, "Secrets For Dummies." I could hire actors to portray "visionaries" and "philosophers" in the movie I make millions on. And I'm sure if I searched hard enough I could find quotes from famous dead people that would lend credo to my book of secrets. But it's not like that, I don't have a degree in marketing or psychiatry. I can't take advantage of the hordes of people out there searching for the quick fix to their broken dreams. I wish I could...I really do.

But alas, all I have are the notes I've made about living my life and keeping the secrets of it to myself. I don't believe there is a quick fix for what ails us. I don't think that we can simply will away our problems by crossing our legs and touching our thumbs and fingers together. Sure, I believe in the power of positive thinking. But I'm not gonna hold out hope that it brings me the winning lottery numbers. No, that would be just good old fashioned dumb luck, which has already bopped me on the head plenty of times in my day. And I didn't have to buy a book or DVD for the to have happened.

Here's the secret to my life: I believe in God. Yeah, it's that simple. I don't go out and recruit people to fight in His army or anything like that. Heck, I don't even go to church. I just do my best to believe and to live the life I am supposed to according to His plan. That's the secret. Or should I say...that's My Secret? Save your pennies because this revelation is free of charge.


Friday, January 21, 2011

An Old Town's Loop

At 3am, no one cares the color of my thoughts. I don't want to know where she's gonna take me. I don't mind if her window shades are only painted blue. I don't even care if you really love me, just take me home with you.


Friday, January 14, 2011

A New Year

Christmas turned to New Years and then better times to dark. January is half over and in just a few short weeks my world has spun...and spun...and spins.

My quest for the desert hit yet another snag. To say that I am frustrated or at a whits end is an understatement. I am back, for the 7th time, in the State Dept's background maze. Sending another address and locations on some map of an address...and having to explain my situation all...over...again is the order of the day! Since coming back from DC with high hopes of a looming deployment I have hit an absolute stall. *Sigh*

So I left town last week. Part of my mind needed to stretch and benefit from the fresh perspective that only the open road gives me now. But part of me needed to run away from life on Shelby St. too. I am struggling with a decision that's got me hanging from a rope, ten feet off the ground. I'm getting closer to finding my footing but it's been difficult. I came to Oregon to see friends and get away from the cold for a while. Sitting at home waiting has become so tedious that I must surely be killing the few brain cells I have left. So I deduced waiting here in Oregon would be just as easy. And so far, it has been. I spent the weekend with R&P in Salem and got a huge helping of love from them. My X-Wife has really become a cornerstone friendship in my life. Every time I am with her family I realize anew just how lucky I am to have met that woman 20 years ago. And then I came to see my soul brother, Randy, and his family. It's from his couch that I lay fighting a fever and writing these wee-hour thoughts. I loathe sleeping on a couch. Something about it takes me back in time to an unsettling place, not to mention it's uncomfortable as hell! But I make do because if I don't I won't ever get to fill my heart at this well. If Rita is a cornerstone then Randy is my lighthouse, the beacon that guides my mind, a safe harbor in the raging tempest that is my ridiculous life. I have also been reminded anew this week that spending time with him always is good for my spirit. This is the one and only relationship I have that never looks down a slope at me. I am never judged here, and love is the only order of business my dearest and oldest friend operates with. He is one of a kind and without his friendship I would be a lesser man.

And finally, there is one last sharp turn I have made on this trip. I think loop-d-loop is a better way of describing it actually. But however I describe my love life these days, crazy is the first thing that comes to mind. Yes, I am crazy for walking the tightrope I'm on now. It's mad to think I've allowed something like this to carry on to the level it's now at. I have done a semi decent job of keeping this woman a secret from the rest of my world. Not because she's unworthy of my adulation. In fact, she might be the woman of my dreams. She's beautiful, exotic, funny, witty, feisty, loving, and...married. Who does that? I do, apparently. I am not proud of my moral stance right now but won't do anything about it because loving her is like touching pure light. She's one of those human beings that "has it." We all know someone like this. They usually come and go in and out of our lives in a blur unless you are lucky enough to catch a ride and are able to hold on for the duration. Well, I've caught my lightning bold and until I can't stand the energy she burns me with I am keeping a firm grip. I say that so confidently...but it's a ruse. It's me who is being held and manipulated. I know it, I admit it here to myself and whoever else will someday read these entries. I don't feel the tug that should force me to stop. I ignore any and all adversity now because I am a junky...a puppy for her love. "Selfish" cannot begin to describe how I am right now. But in the end no description is needed because only God judges me now. I don't have the will power to do it myself.