Sunday, September 25, 2011


I finally made it back to Reno for training and hopeful deployment to Baghdad! It's been almost 3 months since I was here last and it seems like much longer than that. So much has happened in that short time. I got back together with Lori, lived with Lori, and broke up with Lori. I rented my house out and lived at Lori's, John and Paula's, and Rita and Paula's. I lost 41 pounds! I met and went out with a crazy woman in Salem that wanted nothing more from me other than motel sex. (That made me laugh to write. ) I am sure there's more but I can't think of it now.

It feels good to be here this time. Back in June it didn't feel I wasn't supposed to be going yet. I was unsettled and anxious as hell then. But today I feel really good about my chances and the thought of getting back to work in Baghdad. I'm really optimistic about this company too. I have a feeling like it is going to lead me to bigger and better things. Maybe it's all in my head and the pills I always say I need would help me feel like this everyday regardless. But lately I have been getting the feeling that providence is playing a large role in the way things roll out for me. I bare the cross around my neck with pride in knowing God has a plan for me and that I'm walking it out now. Whatever happens I will accept it and know I'm once again, right where I am supposed to be.


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