Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Drew A Line

February 8, 2008

I know what love is. I have loved and have been loved by others. I know the love of a child for his mother. I know the absolute love for my own child, and I know the love of a dear friend. But if you ask anyone who knows me they’ll tell you that I am a hard man to love. I make it difficult for reasons I don’t quite understand. And if that built-in flaw weren't enough, I traveled across the world and left the few closest people to me behind to handle my life back home. And I expect their love will be there, waiting for me when I return, encouraging me while I’m gone, and sustaining me. I don’t always deserve it, but being difficult means I expect it.

It seems I know a lifetime of leaving. Strong hearts have come and gone, and I loved them all. So now I wait for the rocks to roll away like they always have. Maybe I came here to Iraq…to the bottom of the hill…to stay a step ahead. I don’t know for sure. Who ever does? But there has been one who’s stayed. I drew a line in the sand and dared her to step across and stand with me, the fool that I am. She crossed and stands steady by me now, strong, caring, and patient because she loves me.

I've always believed that behind every good man stands a great woman. So I stand in Cynthia’s shadow now. Without her there I am nothing, I am just one man wandering.

-Jim Franks

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